
New Style - Wing Tattoo

Deciding to get oneself inked with a tattoo is a big and bold decision in itself. However once you have decided to do so, the next major and critical decision is to choose the design of tattoo that you want to get yourself inked with. Before making such a decision one very important thing to note and remember is that the tattoo will remain as your next skin for the rest of your life.

One of the many options that people settle for in a tattoo design is a wing tattoo. There are a very limited set of options when it comes to a its design. This article is intended to help you decide which kind of wing tattoo you might want to have.

Angel wings: Most of the angel wing types of tattoo designs are usually done on the shoulders and back of the people in order to give them a realistic look of having angel wings. People usually decide on getting an angel wing done in order to represent their religious belief and symbolism.

Demon wings: the demon wings are very similar to the angel wings. Demon wings are also drawn onto the back and shoulders of enthusiasts to represent religious belief and symbolism.

Fairy wings: People who love fantasy settle for fairy wings tattoos. The wings of the fairy are drawn onto the shoulders and back of women more than men.

Butterfly wings: Butterfly wings are also more preferred by women than men. Because of their natural beauty and colourful appeal, butterfly wings are one of the most popular tattoo designs. Like any other wing tattoo, butterfly wings are also inked onto the shoulders and back only.



Back of body with dragon tattoo design

Back of body with dragon tattoo designBack of body with dragon tattoo design

Dragon Tattoo Designs - Representing Your Style and Beliefs For Life

Cherry blossom Trendy

Cherry blossom

Perhaps the most well known flower in Japan, the cherry blossom is admired for its beauty and delicacy. They symbolize how life can be both fragile and beautiful. Even the Samurai would admire the cherry blossom and write poems about the flower. These days, many women are choosing to get cherry blossom tattoos. Just look for images of the flower and you will understand why they are so admired


Koi fish Tattoo Japaness Trendy

This fish has a lot of positive qualities. It is a symbol of perseverance, strength, and spirituality. There is a myth that the koi fish often swim upstream to the heavenly gate, where they turn into a flying dragon and take off into the sky forever. These amazing fish are viewed as brave individualists since they go against the flow of nature and end up being rewarded for their bravery.

Japanese tattoo designs with koi fish are usually drawn in bright orange and golden hues, combined with the blue sparkling waves in the background. Obviously, it's a beautiful blend of colors, so if you want something that stands out, then this is something you should consider getting.


Geisha tattoo trendy

Geisha tattoo japaness

Men and women both include Geishas in their Japanese tattoo designs. They are more than just "pinup" models; they are very classy, cultured women that were trained to carry the traditions of the Japanese culture. They were beautiful and very talented. They were taught to dance, sing, play instruments, pour tea with perfection, and entertain in general.

Some tattoo designs depict both a Samurai and Geisha meeting, often sitting facing one another and drinking tea. If you want a strong, female image as part of your tattoo, then you could always consider the Geisha.


Dices Tattoo on a female sexy body tattoo

Dices Tattoo on a female sexy body tattoo


Wh Not?

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